Non-knitting related post ahead! (unless you like eating chips and salsa while knitting.....) ;)
I just wanted to take a minute and let you all know about a business venture my sis and her husband are trying to launch: Pirate Ringo's Salsa. My brother-in-law has made his own salsa for years, and has had many, many people tell him he should market it. So just within the last few months he's decided to try a go at it. They can only sell to friends and family currently, until they get licensed, so they have started a Kickstarter campaign to try and raise funds so they can get licensed faster, and then get the salsa in the hands of the public faster. Every salsa lover who has tried this stuff has raved about it, saying it's some of the best out there!
So if you're into salsa, please go check out their Kickstarter campaign, and consider making a donation to get this thing off the ground! You'll get freebies for your donation too.... everything from Christmas ornaments, tote bags, jars of salsa, oven mitts, t-shirts, and the ultimate- a signature Pirate Ringo's Salsa created in your honor and named after you!
On a side note.... aren't my niece and nephew the cutest little pirates ever??? ;)